Former hi5 Players, There have been a number of voiced concerns about the removal of FP post transfer to the new networks. We are applying the same formula to all players that transitioned from hi5, no one specific player is getting singled out in this. As we stated in past posts, we are monitoring the balance and fairness of this transition. It's important to re-iterate that this was put together on a very limited time window given to us by hi5 (30 days) and it was not expected. Nothing like this has ever been tackled or attempted before. It's not an exact science and hard to get it right the first time. There are thousands of variables to consider when migrating players in a manner like this. We will continue to monitor and make adjustments as we go. We really want to make this as fair and smooth as possible for all. We're not out to damage the experience for anyone, it's to our detriment to do so.