Have you been deleted by anyone for being friends with someone

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Julie Detroit, Sep 27, 2010.

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  1. Julie Detroit

    Julie Detroit Member

    Have you been deleted by anyone for being friends with someone else.

    I am wondering if this is happening to anyone else, I really don't fight that much I mainly kill bosses in all 4 apps(getting ready to change that though) so I really don't understand why I would be be deleted.

    Someone wrote me today "just noticed that you are clan with xxxx xxxxx - can't stay in clan hun sorry...principles- come back if you get rid of him tho x"

    I have had both people in my game friends since I started, and they have both been helping me with my bosses right along.

    So part of me does not care because I am going to level right up to that person, and I will have someone to fight, but what I'm puzzled is this is a game and there are rules or a set parameters(a variable that must be given a specific value during the execution of a program or of a procedure within a program) So anything goes within those limits, and if it is not aloud by the programmer they will change it as they have in the past.

    Anyway my question for everyone is this starting to happen to as well?
  2. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Sure this can happen, call it strategy or just personal preference, it's their clan/squad they can do what they want. It's a game, don't take it personally.

    Also reminder for everyone, refrain from calling people out or any name calling, we're tracking these warnings that go out and each infraction gets you one step closer to getting banned.
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