Tried friending someone on FB and got this Sorry, this user has already reached the maximum number of friends. How am I suppose to grow my clan if I can't friend them? There needs to be a way to add someone to clan without being FB friends.
It seems FB has a a 5,000 friend limit, they might want to get rid of people as friends who may not play anymore games, or people they really do not talk with or know very well, I am getting real close to that limit myself we can be friends if ya want lol , unless we are already and I just don't know it
Not me that has the limit. It's the one I'm trying to get in clan that has the limit. Fyi they got over 5k friends.
Yes I realize that, so go find someone who does not have 5,000 friends, there are plenty of people who need clan ,I get numerous request daily for all games and the I only need clan for one game of the 4 I play and PC is not it , but I keep taking in new players to help them