Guilds: Joining/Kicked Out/Left

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Carlin, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Carlin

    Carlin New Member

    I've joined two guilds and been told:

    You have been removed from the Sto vo kor Guild.
    3 days ago delete

    You have been removed from the The Odin Guard Guild.
    15 hours ago delete

    While the Guild feed will say:
    3 days ago
    Sto vo kor has just lost a member, Carlin Grid has left.

    15 hours ago
    The Odin Guard has just lost a member, Carlin Grid has left.

    As far as I know I didn't remove myself from the guild nor was I kicked out of them. So I was wondering if there is some sort of bug?
  2. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Have you asked the leader and the officers of those guilds that you were in if they removed you? The only ways to get out of a guild is if you remove yourself or if they remove you. If they have not removed you then can you send a message into support so that we can investigate this further?

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