Gold transfer

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Brotherhood of Steel, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Is it against the rules to transfer gold between players? For instance if one member of a guild needed gold is it against the rules for me to get the guild member that needs the gold to go wait on the bounty list and for me to bounty someone so that my guild member gets the gold?
  2. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    What do other players think about this situation?

    I think that many players find this to be a very frustrating transaction and there have been many messages stating that this is one of the cons to the formation of Guilds. As you are able to communicate between each other, players feel that you have the upper-hand to get the bounties and find this to be an unfair advantage.

    How does everyone else feel about this? Should players who are guild members also have to be clan members? :confused:
  3. heres the thing though.its not really provable.its very common.dont see how it violates any rules.there is many that sit on the bounty list all day.are we saying that is also unfair?
    no offense but everyone has the advantage.if they choose not to stay clicking bounty page thats their problem.there really is no advantage since im sure tons click the bounty page constantly.theres still a good chance the one the bounty was for wont get it.nothing is wrong with this current system.just my 2 cents on this.

    about guild members having to be clanned,i dont see why.if you're just trying to irritate a rival guild,you stay declanned from at least 1 or more members to keep a watch for bounties.why allow the enemy to get it?and its not like the one on bounty is going to be collecting any inner earnings if a guild/clan member gets it.

    if either or both of these changes happen im almost positive there will be a uproar.just my 2 cents.
  4. Players have been pitching bounties to specific friends since before the guilds came about. I can't count how many times I've been scolded for "stealing" someone else's bounty. It's a regular part of the game and one of the ways players can help each other out for a number of reasons. So long as the player pitching the bounty and the player catching the bounty are two different people and not alternate accounts of the same person, i.e. two Legendary Eddie accts both being played by the same Eddie at once listing and claiming bounties, then I see nothing wrong with it.
  5. didnt this post just get deleted?

    are you even real?
  6. what kano change will be fine with me .. difference will make game more interesting :)
  7. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    I don't want to be FORCED to clan with either VC Guild or PC Armada. There's at least one player in my Armada that is the perfect leveling partner. We get great XP off of each other.

    Or say some player I have a rivalry with joins my Guild. Why should I be forced to clan? AS has a good point; people will complain hotly and immediately if this happens.
  8. Ace

    Ace Member

    Well, the hitlist's free for all, the person who lists someone so that a friend gets the bounty, is taking a risk, even more on VC where there are plenty of people hunting compared to the other apps (or at least I find it to be the hardest of the four)

    And besides, if you didn't have clan members to get the cash, things would be worse because most people would try to die on an enemy's booby trap so the cash is gone for good.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LMAO! I know exactly how this thread got started.

    Gold transfers are fine, they have an inherent risk involved as players sit on the bounty page all day or just simply get the lucky final blow, so all is fair. Although all bounties are technically up for grabs...a player who has played for any amount of time would have to be near brain dead to not realize that there may be repercussions for either attacking a higher rated player on the bounty or taking one that was intended for someone else. THE REWARDS ARE GREAT.....BUT SO R THE it should be! Furthermore....... if u see a huge bounty...9 out of 10 times it has an intended target....KEEP THIS IN MIND AND BRACE YOURSELF FOR IMPACT....LOL.

    In addition...there is also Kanos" bounty delay" that can come into play. Kano can comment on that if they like.

    Most bounty swaps are not made up of guild i dont see why having to be clan plays a role.

    As far as the communication in the guild...this is a great thing as it actually allows for strategy and team work, not to mention its really nothing when compared to phone and skype communications. In the end...VIKING UP! if u go for a bounty....prepare for the consequences regardless of the reasonings behind them. If its too rough for ya...GO PLAY FARMVILLE!
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
  10. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Bounty swaps, fun stuff :D
  11. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Thanks for the feedback!
  12. Mike Ketil

    Mike Ketil Member

    There is no guarantee that they will pick up the coins
  13. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Maybe on FB, on myspace you usually have much time to get your kill in. Sometimes you can even check the level, coins, who set it, how long ago and so on.
  14. Well I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't 5 times for active players on facebook than myspace, perhaps more. More people gunning for the prize, less chance you'll score the lucky hit.

    Even on myspace and if the guy on the bounty is healing and waiting for someone familiar to grab it, still some bandit can come along and snatch that last lucky hit. The only attack that counts is the last one.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  15. As others have said, it's part of the game, and there are absolutely no garuntees about who will recieve the bounty. Most bounties, except for Jillians, are gone within 5 seconds. Only those who are camping on the bounty page, are likely to get the hit, and even then nothing is certain.

    As Towlie said, the only attack that counts is the last one.

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