Gifting Bug

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Warlock Tigerwolf, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. I KNOW This was mentioned before, and I remember kano saying it was fixed, but it's back.

    When I click on a non clan member's profile, I can scroll down to their wish list and see how much of each item on their wishlist they have.
  2. are they in your friend list?

    if so then thats why
  3. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    You mean friends but not clan?
  4. yep if in friends list but not clan you can even send gifts.

    i use to send our current #1 rank in pc tombstone after tombstone as a little taunt.
  5. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Oh, BURRRRN!

    :cool: Quite clever of you. :cool:

    And did he respond to the taunt?
  6. sometimes he sent one back...

    if this is a glitch it can stay.

    nice hidden taunting feature

    someone declanned me on viking and i sent a lump of coal to them

    hey it was fitting

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