gift cards not being recognized by Kano?anyone else had this problem? <------------- sorry for hijacking the post, was just going by title of thread and my friend did send in a ticket and the answer from kano was contact facebook even tho my friend plays on kanoplay2 .........Kong sale fp? showed up in orange saying 275 fp for $25 but when I clicked on it? the $25 went away and said 275fp cost $ 50, I got the fp on sale for $25 but had to click on the $20 and go back & go thru process again & click on $5 to purchases, it would not purchases in 1 step, hope you understand now, hard to explain any other way...
- $5 50 KREDS
- $100 1000 KREDS+150BONUS KREDS
- $250 2500 KREDS+400BONUS KREDS
- As you can see there is no $25 option
Last edited: Jul 12, 2017