[LCN] getting mobbies in my mob automatically without me accepting their invite

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by naughty but nic3, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. i would like to know how all these new people who are just beginning the game are getting into my mob and i have not accepted a invite from them, i would appreciate if you guys could check into this because everyday its happening. i woke up this morning and had 2 in my mob i never accepted a invite from and they had joined 4 hrs ago and i was in the bed asleep. please fix this problem kano. thank you
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I find that if I am FB friends and already clan in another game, they automatically become clan, when I first came to kano and started PC I had 500 clan automatically, and they were all clan in a previous game, from a different company.
    Orez likes this.
  3. michael tumillo

    michael tumillo New Member

    Kano really needs to fix this.
  4. Alfredo Scarface

    Alfredo Scarface Active Member

    I'm not sure how they can 'fix' it. If you are facebook friends with someone from another game, then the problem is on your (or my) end, not something Kano can 'fix'. Or am I missing something?
    michael tumillo likes this.
  5. michael tumillo

    michael tumillo New Member

    Thanks Alfredo I didn't know that. All I know is a have a player in my syn that is getting new players that he didn't accept.
    Alfredo Scarface likes this.
  6. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Also when collecting gifts ya gotta watch closely cause invites are right there in between gifts.
  7. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I'm face book friends with many and not affiliated game, doesn't happen to me.
    My guess is the collecting gift part (as their invite's show up, if they send one)
  8. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    well you can just send them request so they will accept you or reject you. either way you dont have to accept. also you can share your code on add me thread on the forum then they might add you.
  9. No I'm not friends with them period I woke up today got online and someone had joined 3 minute's before I ever came online Snd their in my mob without my approval that's on Kano's end
  10. I am not Friends with them nor have I sent any add Mr somehow these people if they are even real are just being added to our mob without our permission
  11. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    this might happens sometimes, lets say long time ago you have sent them a request, lets say probably when you first started to play. so if after few years if they accepted the invitation then it is possible that you might see them like automatically added. that has happened to me as well.
  12. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    That's possible but in that case his profile should say "joined 'long time' ago". In this case they joined only a few hours ago and became mob without sending a request. Happens to me too every now and then.
  13. Alfredo Scarface

    Alfredo Scarface Active Member

    In the chat window, go to Groups. If you posted your link in groups a long time ago, they'd still be there, right? I haven't looked in to groups* in a long time tbh but I know when I did I was seeing links there from very long ago.

    *Add me groups I should say as I haven't had need in a long time.

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