[All] Gamer point season rewards

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Demonik1, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    ive always thought that the gamer point winners should get a better reward instead of just exp...its hard to get 25 people to get on the same page for 7 days and for those that accomplish that it should be rewarded more...kind of in the range of the new guild wars...some decent coin and fps would be nice and have more guilds going for gamers, not many care about it as is except a select few and thats just plain boring
  2. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    im gonna give this a 10 bc due to the fact i am a gamer an i love getting my gamer points done everyday :)
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    i see what you are saying have and i agree. it is hard to get 25 people to get 100% every week. and the reward systme you are talking about is a good idea. i meen on the leaderoards the armadas go up to 30 top and those 30 sould get rewarded better and the higher rank the more rewrd.(no not talking about trophies even though they are cool to have)

    also this could encourage activity so that meens more money kano lol
  4. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    I don't think the current system is a fair indication of faction ranking. I think GP's should be based on real game activity, I think it's been brought up here before, but GP's should be given for every action in game (every attack, every punch, every outbreak, every kill, every boss attack, etc.) until then do I think that GP's should be rewarded for more then what they are now. Then most dedicated players whom spend hours in game everyday will be rewarded for the time they put in.
  5. dave of the dead

    dave of the dead New Member

    I fully agree. The current system is broken and only rewards players who don't fight and level the most. Until the system is fixed, I don't want to see even more rewards go to the same 3 factions. I'm not a ONE star rater, but a 3 reflects this comment I made without overly affecting the rating of your post.
  6. slave

    slave Member

    we gave great ideas, tremendous feedback, and kay-no gives unlimited (or nearly so) gps for leveling up, i say nearly so, because one person in arena did hit the top limit and was awarded no more level gps. kay-no has never told us what the cap is for leveling, but limits any real game actions like fights to a mere 17 per day.
    currently you get gps for 17 fights a day, 4 outbreaks a day, 5 helps a day, and a small amount of boss attacks, plus nearly unlimited level pts which blows everything else right out of the water for total gps, which makes this current faction gp contest the biggest joke in gaming.

    id love to think im wrong....but im not
    its terrible, and we gave such good ideas, but kay-no doesnt want to reward the top playing factions, they want it to be little league but want people to level, even though the majority of the people that love pvp dont want to level or dont want to level much.

    increase rewards for our current contest? no way
    increase rewards for a real faction contest? id be interested in hearing what kind of a real contest
    if its anything like faction fairness? not interested

    but kay-no will put in paramaters that will negatively influence the higher level people so the little guy can have a chance, and until they get over that mentality we will never have an event or contest that will reward playing over participating

    and thats the bottom line...
  7. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    hmmmm, i see a few diff opinions that are also stemming from diff games...for future posts and feedback, please state which game you are referring to...my main game is viking clan where gamer points are limited. i agree they should do something to add to the gamer point area, im just not sure what but a step in the right direction would be to make the rewards worth going for to promote more guilds to try to win...it sounds like in zombie slayer they need to totally revamp the system as it stands ....very good points everyone, lets keep this going with more ideas on the subject and lets see where it goes :] thanks!
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Wow..if this isnt a blast from the past! this idea is as old as dirt and hasnt got any play since back in the day when I was screaming the injustice of it all when it was newish and multiple guilds were actively striving for this honor as it was a race of the clock every single week. Talk about a chore....week n and week out hounding players to be getn dailies at midnight regardless of their time zone was a PITA.....but we did it! Then it just became stupid....it was all about bragging rights and the rewards never merited the the effort (typical)....so we stopped bothering after making our point that we were the most committed guild in the game......we just exited..

    As every guild event or extra (arena)goes ....Kano has always fell way short thinking that somehow the loss of a few dollars per guild/player each week was somehow going to outweigh the the influx of participation brought on by truly meaningful rewards.

    Even though we dont bother with most these events anymore....I firmly believe that it the individual achievements and group events achievements that are the true success stories behind these games and the deserve to be rewarded appropriately. Not to be an ass....but they missed the boat on things like this.

    Although a lil part of me wants to say neigh to an idea such as ....especially so long after the real competition has ended and we personally missed out on what what was truly merited.....Im still gonna give this idea a 10 in hopes that Kano will finally come around and appreciate those who go the extra mile to reward those who actually make these games turn a buck
  9. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    didnt even know it was an old idea but i figured someone somewhere had thought of it, i dont look for old ideas haha too lazy....and yeah it would be nice, i see a few diff guilds battling it out every week and it would be cool to see more going for it with more incentive
  10. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    too few skill points for a 5 level increase to 10 would be better

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