Game points Error

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by ParashuramaBloodAxeLegend, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. I did some adventures that are completed with achievement and skill points
    but when i do them again for Game Points im not receiving any ?
    so i go and do adventures that is not complicated and than i get GP .. !!
    so what will happen when all adventures are completed ? no more GP?
  2. Gamer Points (Beta)

    Achieve gamer points throughout the game. Adventures, Bosses, Battles and Helping friends all offer Gamer Points. Gamer points are in beta and will be used in coming features in the game. Currently if you're part of an Guild, your points contribute to the Guild's success in the weekly seasons.

    Get 100 GP Gamer Points each boss attack action.

    Get GP Gamer Points (based off of location) each action for performing Adventures where you have not received the achievement for yet. Gamer points are also given for Adventures performed in your latest unlocked location.

    Get 300 GP Gamer Points for each fight win and 150 GP Gamer Points for each Battle loss.

    Get 200 GP Gamer Points for each help action in the game where available. This includes joining Elite Chieftains, Helping with Adventures, Bosses and Challenges, and Gifting friends.

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