I was attacking somebody a lot higher leveled then me, and him attacking me when I bountied another user, the person who was killing me, also claimed the hit that I placed.
No i mean I was killed by him, then I hitlisted some random player and then he claimed it from the hitlist.
Sounds like a good player on a fast connection. I will stop a fight briefly to go for a hitlist unless i have noticed that its just a bunch of babies going up, then I wolnt bother.
I am hitting my fight list all day long but when the red hitlist pops up i will click it and go for whatever on there. A lot of times with the delay in attacking it, everyone else gets the health down and you get the last hit in to kill it.
What I'm saying is it's pretty ironic that he was killing me for my gold and xp, and then claimed one of my hitlists therefore gaining more gold and xp that I basically gave to him. Who said anything at all about cheating.