filter needs adjusting

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. someone in world chat was trying to type a message

    glasses came out gl***es

    the filter i think needs some adjusting
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  2. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    lol, that's rather funny. I think it needs an index of words, rather than filtering groups of letter.

    LCNMOBWARSPlayer New Member

    You should make a list of common cuss words as well as slandering words and place them in a library that will recognize them if anyone tries to type them in for world chat. Just my idea works for me though on stuff I do, Premade libraries always help for future things too.
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Good point.Here's one from today.
    RIP **** CLARK.One guess what it was suppose to say.
  5. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I know , I know :p but I do see some nasty things in the chat, if I happen to have it open

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