[All] Fighting is done the same way in all the games... except...

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by James The App Guy, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Perhaps time to review this again for updating?

    Viking Clan: 10 Counter Attacks; 50 Bounty Traps
    Pirate Clan: 75 Counter Attacks; 50 Bounty Traps
    Mob Wars LCN: 10 Ambushes; 50 Rigged Ignitions
    Zombie Slayer: (from what I've read?) 75 Counter Attacks; 50 Bounty Traps

    Something is wrong with this picture. If the fight engine is handled the same why is there still a 50/50 split on how fighting is countered?

    All games should have the same amount & 10 simply isn't enough for counter attacks against a serious opponent - I'll have people I post 10 against in MW or VC blow through them & hit me 30-40 more times beyond the 10 counters. I have never had anyone hit me more than 50 times in PC after getting a counter on all the attacks.

    If 50 Bounty Traps/Rigged Ignitions is enough for every game, why not just make the number of Counters/Ambushes in all the games 50 as well? If you want to have more counters available, set the limit at 100 & call it a permanent change.

    Below are threads regarding this using "counter attacks" as a search term in the forum under "Ideas". There is the balance of opinions ranging from make them unlimited to do away with them altogether. Some say they are useful others say they are pointless. Most agree, however, they are a needed aspect of the game that serve a valid purpose.

    [VC] Counter Attacks
    Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Kul Oakenshield, Feb 23, 2012.

    [VC] Increase Counters
    Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Kul Oakenshield, Mar 15, 2012.

    [Other] Counter attacks
    Discussion in 'Ideas' started by The Protector, Sep 27, 2012.

    [LCN] Ambushes
    Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Salman Al-buainain, Jul 18, 2013.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    The simple explanation is because of cagematching, in PC that is the difference,IMO and this has been debated in the past to death, to get rid of Cage matching, it was meant for one reason and is used by people who cannot bother to get clan, I feel if a player has full clan then their cagematching option should be no longer available at the very least, cause Kano is not gonna get rid of it,,achievements and all that,Cage matchers are easily the most disliked players in PC, all they have to do is put everything into attack,to attack them for worthless XP is a joke, I would prefer the 10 counters/ambushes etc than the 75 PC has, by getting rid of cagematching. Once someone reaches all the achievements,take away the option to cage anyone. This way no one misses out on the achievement and cagers will have no choice now fight regular battles, like everyone else and they will now have to take the time to get full clan like 99% of us have.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  3. I'm rather surprised that Kirsten is the only person to chime in on this. The subject rears it's head off & on (as noted in the reference links) in hopes it will be resolved, obviously with my post it shows it still has not. Personally, I agree 75 is beyond the reasonable level, but at the same time 10 is simply way to little. I believe the 50 for counter attacks & bounty traps is more than enough.

    As to cagematches, the means to make limit of it is as simple as only allowing X number a day & make them so that they don't earn daily gamer points. The latter is where most people tend to use them more so than for actual fighting.

    I didn't intend for this topic to debate cagematches, instead to review the limitations & set a formalized setting for counter attacks & bounty traps that would be standard across all 4 platforms so that people couldn't complain that any given game has an advantage or disadvantage that the others lack or have over another. Still counter attacks & bounty traps are useful in the games & make for a variable in fighting.

    Hopefully, by rehashing the topic a final resolution can be found that will suffice for the majority.
  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Cagematching is the Reason for the difference in how many counters PC has compared to the other games, THAT is the reason,Kano gave when it was discussed years ago. So you cannot review this unless you want cagematches are introduced in the other games, and No one likes a cager . Me personally would like to be rid of cagers, and have only 10 counters like the other games. Cages are limited to 50 a day on one player. 50 is too much,I would like to see it lowered ,no gamer points would be good also. It became a loophole for a few players who abuse it.
  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    cant really speak about the cagematches, ive only played pc maybe 20 times in five years haha but i do think 10 counters is way too little...it should at least be somewhere from 25-50
    James The App Guy and Jared like this.

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