[ZS] Faction Banner Contest

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    We’ve had a number of players express interest in creating more options for their Faction Banner. Because of this, we’ve decided to hold a Banner creation contest!

    Entries need to be a high-quality 200x200 jpeg or png file, as well as being appropriate to post in the game. We will be doing separate contests for Order and Anarchy divisions, as they have different borders (examples below.) You are welcome to submit entries for both divisions if you’d like.

    We recommend looking at some of the existing faction flags for inspiration. Typically what looks best is a fairly simple icon or image on a coloured and/or textured background.

    The idea behind the contest is to have more options for all factions, so entries with the name of a particular faction won’t be considered.

    We look forward to seeing what you come up with! Please email entries in to community@kanoapps.com, with the subject line “Faction Banner Contest”. You can submit entries for Anarchy, Order, or both, but keep in mind the frames that will be applied depending on the division the banner is intended for.

    We will be accepting submissions until 11:59pm (PDT) October 14th, 2012, and will be posting finalists in the Forums for the Community to vote on.

    Anarchy Frame:

    Order Frame:
  2. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    Did this ever happen?

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