If you are having issues with half pages, not able to post to your feed, send invites, lots of Javascript errors and can't login to the forum with Facebook you are not alone Facebook seems to have pushed code tonight that has broken the javascript that they supply to third party developers. We hope that they will have this fixed shortly, we will post an update as we get it, but it looks to be out of our control and are relying on Facebook to fix. They are very aware of the issue and are working as fast as they can to fix. http://developers.facebook.com/live_status https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/203275643103137
This should now be fixed (according to Facebook's lastest update). If it is not, try to clear your browsers cache and/or refresh the page.
Sorry to say, but its sill not fixed. I've cleared my cache and I still can't scroll or see the general chat on FB.