[All] extended events

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by neill1990, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    there should be another aspect added to the game which is extended events, name would vary depending on game so for a broad view of all games thought extended would work as an example.

    these events would last between 15-20 days.

    they could work is have a challenge type event with rewards based on rank you receive at end of event and then also a tier based system so the first tier would be easy to obtain then the 2nd and 3rd tier would be harder.

    I- challenge
    an example of a type of challenge to obtain points during this event would be do x amount of challenges and a way to balance this would be to have lower tier challenges give less points. so the first location would give 1 point then the next challenge that boosts amount of time that is required to gain key/dig/shot would be worth 1 more point until it reaches the nearly 4 hour recharge rate at which that will be the cap limit to amount of points possible to gain.
    II- other aspects event would work with
    other ways the event could work is battles, adventures, bosses(your own), assists(would include boss challenge and adventure would all be included in one because of daily limit on certain assists) ect.

    POINTS TO TIER:(would vary depending what type of event it is)
    tier 1 for this event would take 1 point to obtain, tier 2 would cost 8 points tier 3 would be 15 points. these are examples as of now because dont have all the times required for each challenge up to the 4 hour recharge. card games would go by same point system first one is 1 point then the next goes up by 1 and so on.

    TIER RANK AWARDS: (tiers depend on event type so not putting any points)
    tier 1- either a couple fp(1-5) or a moderate strength item one that isnt strong but still better then what you can buy or just a bunch of random crafting materials (100-200)
    tier 2- either a moderate amount of fp (5-10) a decent item one that would be in the for sale section or a good amount of crafting material(300-500)
    tier 3- good amount of FP (10-25) a strong item that is weaker then what is sold by limited quantity but more then worthy of this tier or alot of crafting material (750-1250)

    OVERALL RANK:(10% of players would get top rank rewards)
    overall ranking rewards there would be 1-3 brackets here(bracket would vary depending how many active players there are on server example is based off 100 players active)-
    number 1- victor of event would receive a really good prize of 100 fp, stam/energy refil or a limited quantity class item (would be either all or a mixture of them)

    top 5- would receive 50 FP, 50% stam/energy refil.

    top 10- 30FP or an item above sales class item.

    i am sure i have missed or glanced over a few things so please let me know or if i relaise ill make another post to better explain, please ask any questions you have.
    George Burd likes this.
  2. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    bump... posted this at the wrong time so didnt get to see much light lol
  3. Tony Montana

    Tony Montana Well-Known Member

    seems legit
  4. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    I would love to see any lateral expansion in the game instead of the race to wait for new lands
  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    I like this idea, the only down side i can conceive is dev time, might take a long time to implement everything you mentioned... 4 stars

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