energy vs stamina

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by slave, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. slave

    slave Member

    So I have been giving this some thought lately.....why does energy get 100 percent boosts and stamina 50 percent?
    lets examine the two.....Energy is not capped till you hit 4500 energy, energy costs 1 skill point to upgrade.
    Stamina is capped at 1000, stamina points cost 2 skill pts to upgrade.

    I m thinking Kano has this backward....Stamina boosts should be at 100 percent and energy should be at 50 percent.
    I mean come on we pay twice as much for a stam pt than we do for an energy pt but only get half as much on a refill??

    When are you going to level the playing field for the people paying extra? I would like to know when that is? It was great you put a daily stamina boost in, but you only made it 50 percent. Stop treating the fighters/boss killers like second rate citizens and give us 100 percent.

  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    If you find the right players Slave if they built there accounts right. You can get almost 500 to 800 experience points on one hit against some. And you level way faster with stamina in the games then you do with energy. Most games its energy that will get you moving faster. But in my opinion stamina is what does it in kano games. Since energy is only used for jobs. Stamina is used for a lot more things.
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    In ZS though,I thought exp per energy was much higher than exp per stam.Why else would someone build a pure energy build and race up in levels rather quickly?
  4. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Lord breakfield it all depends on how players build accounts. If you find a player with a lot of health then your going to get a lot more experience for attacking them. And also if you keep your health higher when you fight bosses the bigger the amount you get for experience that way pays off also. So in my opinion just like i said i would say personally stamina out weighs energy in kano games.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    i wouldnt mind seeing stam boost or the refill upon leveling get increased, but as far as stam costing more....of course it does, u can perform more actions with stam then u can with energy
  6. I think it's because of the 40 attack limit in ZS that makes energy builds so much more popular.

    Either way, I agree that the stamina boost should refill 100% of your maximum. Especially in the other apps where you only get 50 points of stamina from a level regen.

    It'd be nice if they both restored 100%, but I doubt it'll happen considering the Daily Rewards restore your choice of energy/stamina.
  7. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Kul thank you i always forget about that limit so yes i guess it would be wiser in zombie slayer to at least do half and half then.

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