Is there any possibility for a small change insince ?The same people rotate it about 10 Candidates half of which is no longer in facebook,those who have returned they have no idea what is Elixir of the Gods give them a little more explanations in sent invitations...And the whole a little more tempting since 290 Attack 290 Defense
REVIVE A FRIEND AND RECEIVE REWARDS! Send an Elixir of the Gods to a Chieftain who has not recently fought along side you and if they return to the world of Viking Clan you both will earn rewards based on how many Gamer Points they earn. The more your Chieftain plays the better the rewards you will both earn. A Bonus reward will also be available at the end of 4 weeks based on how active your Chieftain has been. Send a Exlixir of the Gods and start earning free rewards today! I don't see explanation of what level is active a Exlixir of the Gods,so far successfully returned 2 my clan members but for a long time until now as candidates circle the same people!I would like a little more range to another people who quit the game to return them back or at least to try!This is no easy task especially when they have finally decided to stop play and need a little bit better incentive as you did the changes with Loyalty Items and CRATES