Dog Eat Dog!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kel the Merciful King, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    Can we just have a fun little thread where we can toss innuendo's and stuff about? I promise to be reasonably good to one guy. Seems I did not get a chance to say "you got it" :), which is usually remarkable.
  2. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    Probably will degenerate into personal name calling. Too many sensitive people about.
  3. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I still miss the old forum's which was pretty much no limit's, especially the slap kill thread.
  4. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    This one does seem a bit sanitised, and the background colour is not exactly stimulating is it :confused:
  5. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    Its as stimulating as a those pucks in a urinal ... it could be worse: a non-aggressive shade of pink ....
  6. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    There is sunscreen for this ....
  7. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    LOL I wonder what grade of block would be needed? Some players would need a higher block than others ;)
  8. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't call pink non-agressive.:p

    On the contrary, some of the most nightmarish villains I know of are garbed in pink or have pink hair.
  9. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    Das ... get your pink on and lets go! I will go with a Blue Hair tint and spikes ....
  10. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member an old Lady Kel? Blue, purple, pink, all seem to be the fav with little old ladies in the UK ;)
  11. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    No blue rinse for me thank you very much! I was going with a spiked hair ( "OverGel" not "OverKel" lol) for an added weapon! A blue haired beast!!!!!!! ROAR!
  12. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Many moons ago I had a hairdresser who was first to be radical by dyeing her hair jet black but cut a large dagger like pointy bit down forwards over one shoulder and dyed it a metallic red. It looked great. She had to keep the dagger bit solid with lard!!!! I don't have a hair dresser now as I shave my head :-D No bed hair and no helmet hair from riding the Harley either LOL
  13. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Which hair is that then Kel or have you got more than one?
  14. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    youre going bald too, huh? haha
  15. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Gone............:D I had gradually cut my hair shorter and shorter and always wondered what it would be like to shave my head. A few years ago I asked my wife (number two and married by a few weeks at that time although we had known each other for years) if I should shave my head. See if she liked it and if not it would grow back again within the week. I went to the bathroom and finally shaved my head for the first time. I went back into the bedroom to show my wife and ask what she thought...............Let's just say that the response was positive ;) So I shave it every 2-3 days now and have done for the last few years - cool :cool:

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