Does Kano have in plan to release a new game? Would be nice like mages clan or ninja. But do you plan soon or later releasing a new game?
Well we saw how Kingdom of Thrones turned out. KANO really shouldn't commit to a new game unless they can devote the proper attention to it.
i think it would be real funny if their april fools joke turned out to be a real game releasing later this year
I didn't mean game like Kingdom of Thrones, that game is different than 4 ones, I meant that they'd make game like those 4, a text-based rpg.
They don't have time to keep up with the games they current have... for instance this was a post from kano about items in their development queue. The post is from April 2013 and they've still not worked their way through it.
That post is very out of date and was made by someone who is no longer at the company. Suffice it to say that it is not quite relevant anymore. And we do not currently have any plans to release new games, although we appreciate the interest!