Do you need help with a boss?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Julie Detroit, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. Julie Detroit

    Julie Detroit Member

    If you need help with a boss just ask your squad in the Myspace application Zombie Slayer in-game chat after a reasonable amount of time has passed, and one time only please you can read back several days(make sure you delete it later).

    I am not sure how facebook works, but in Myspace I have the most friends in the app(or close to it) and maybe a couple of people a day ask for help in the Myspace application Zombie Slayer in-game chat .

    I may also get a few people emailing me for help.

    Also please do not fill open slots just to fill them unless you are asked especially if you have no intentions of helping in the boss fight. Low level bosses should not be open for 30 hours because 4 people just filled a slot , with the owner of the fight left trying to do all the work.

    Also I started a Myspace Zombie group(not a gang)
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  2. Optimus Prime

    Optimus Prime Banned

    Your way OFF!
    (what happens if you post about a enermy to your squad and he happens to be best mates with of your squad, he will know) inside chats stop this and secludes info to member of a CLAN.

    a clan isnt the people in your squad.
    a clan is a group of people that have banded together to watch for other, that are all friends with one another, if some body hasnt added other clan mates its a large frown.
    with squad any body can be squad.

    your talking about a Squad, wich is just some thing to help with allies..
    (same kind of thing) apart clans require recruting for the best of the best, you can get rejected, its a inner room that in ran from a chat (wich only CLAN members have acsess to, if your a out sider you gotta apply).

    ever since i brang up talk of clans you have takin it the wrong way and iv tryed to point it out a fue times nicely.

    are you starting to understand what a CLAN is..??
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  3. Julie Detroit

    Julie Detroit Member

    Wow you could have emailed me that. "Your Way Off"

    I apologize for making a grammatical error, in the future I will strive to reach your level of excellence , and use the approved vernacular.

    Thank you for helping me to understand perfectly what your specific terminology of the word "Clan" means.

    I plan on emailing Myspace right away to further explain your important distinction and have them change the 20 or so Myspace game applications that use the word "clan" instead of "squad"

    I hope you can be my partner in this and do your part with the same game applications in Facebook.

    Thank you for showing me how "Way Off" I really was
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  4. Vampryss

    Vampryss Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Actually using the term Clan or Squad in either manor is correct for Kano Apps. Although I'm unclear on why you wouldn't want to post for help with a boss or rival just because they may or may not be friends with the opposing rival. Thats the way the game is played. Not everyone is going to be "friends, family, clan or squad" with each other. And no one should feel intimidated to ask for help just because others may or may not be "friends, family, clan or squad". I've noticed LCN becoming more & more "unfriendly" since the incorporation of "Tags" on user names. It's starting to become a bit like the Playdom Mobsters app. People are getting bitter & whiny about getting attacked. Clans, Fams & Squads aside, I really hope this doesn't happen with Zombie Slayer.
  5. Lil' Ms.Mandy

    Lil' Ms.Mandy Member

    I play another app on MS by another company and in the last year and a half they have taken over the game. The same thing have happened on there. Having groups of friend you play with is fine, tags as they are called and I'm in one in that game, start to make things difficult and messy and the untagged players don't stand much of a chance if they mess with anyone in a meaner tag. They thing that gets me is they can attack anyone they want, but if you attack them the whole group will rain down on you. Avoiding hitting tag players because of truces also makes it hard to play the fighting part of the game when 90% of the players have them. Also having other players dictate my game, who I can and can't attack because of tags/clans, gets old after awhile.

    No tags and the ability to play the game unhindered by them is one of the reasons I like this game so far, and I say that even though as I said I have a tag on the end of my name in the other app and I love my friends that wear it too.

    Also running a tag/clan and the politics involved is a real pain in the butt. In my experience tags don't turn to good, and those that are your friends might not stay they way once all the drama hits. And there will be drama. lol
  6. Optimus Prime

    Optimus Prime Banned

    the point im trying to make is what you are thinking of is differnt, read my next quote and my reply.
    but what im trying to get across is that as i have started a thread about what im talking about you have taken your own realiity and trying to make what im getting going into some thing differnt. its been dont this way for years, facebook & myspace.

    as much as that confused me its correct, thank you. im finaly glad some body knows what im talking about, lol..
    i am just hopless at explaining it..

    Lil miss, ever had experians in running a crew?
    after all this im temped to start one.. lol (to show people how its done)
  7. Elly Scarlett Rose

    Elly Scarlett Rose New Member

    Im all for friends helping one another but also a fan of drama free. I agree that tags could very well start a bunch of drama that is not needed in this game.

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