All day we've had lists show up in feed but not on the list. Then the list will show up but not the flag, then the flag shows up and the list disappears then the list and no flag and then flag no list. Add oh a 10 second delay on some, 2 seconds on others and the list is an absolute mess. This is NOT the kano delay that times you out after a lot of lists, folks that just came on are experiencing the same issue. We actually had a nice little game going but none of us can see anything. This would be on Kano server 2 ZS.
ive had issue for mayb 2years i often wonder if i was a tester for the but totaly agree the hitlist is a huge mess has benn for a while.
I find this to be pretty random. Sometimes when Romeo is doing hitlists, they don't show up for me until 5 seconds or so later, but not at all if they are killed too quick. He is physically beside me in real life, so I know the split-second they go up, but just sometimes, there is a period of consistent delay in it showing up as the red flag at the top of the screen. There is a number of possible reasons for this.
Yes, there is a delay built in especially after a certain number are claimed and as you near the math problem. This was something else. Every so often you get the showing/not showing lists it happens quite a bit. But this was ridiculous that day. No one could hit anything until about the 3rd time it popped no matter how few or many lists what browser what kind of connection if they were hunting or not hunting. It's still more common than it used to be but not as bad. My hunch would be something has been added to the game that must load each time (an ad or verification or something such) and it's causing delays. whatever it is, it's awfully frustrating to play a game that loads that goofy, lol.
well kuraikiller its funny you say that b/c me unprovokedkiller jeremy mechine gun used to play at the same house back in the very beginning of fb zs and we would toss people around all day long and i promise you there was no delay, like i dont know how to explain it but it was sweet lol well last 2years plus a little ive personly started noticing a delay matter of fact it started around 10k hitlist kills..Hitlist Kills: 26,016 is my current pls trust me when i say the hitlist is messed up has been for a while...
I know sometimes I am on the phone with my BF and he knows when I am listing someone in one of the other games, and he never see it , so who knows lol
You are correct Beast. They changed the way it worked about 2 years ago. Again, not what I was posting about here but yes the delay is very real.