Developer Update June 8th - Facebook HTTPS Secure Connections Supported in Kano Games

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kendall, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Earlier this week we enabled HTTPS connections across all Kano Games.

    October 1st Facebook is making it mandatory that all canvas games/applications support HTTPS connections, we put in the effort now in order to support those users that choose to use HTTPS connections in their account settings.

    In our opinion, if you are on a secure home / private / work network you should have no reason to use HTTPS, if you are on a insecure public network such as a coffee shop then you may want to consider enabling HTTPS for that time. Because HTTPS connections are encrypted pages will load slower.

    Below is some more info on it from Facebook. Please let us know if you run into any issues with HTTPS connections for those that have it enabled.

    Some excerpts from Facebook's Blog post that is linked below:

    "A Secured Connection
    If you've ever done your shopping or banking online, you may have noticed a small "lock" icon appear in your address bar, or that the address bar has turned green. This indicates that your browser is using a secure connection ("HTTPS") to communicate with the website and ensure that the information you send remains private."

    "You should consider enabling this option if you frequently use Facebook from public Internet access points found at coffee shops, airports, libraries or schools."

    "There are a few things you should keep in mind before deciding to enable HTTPS. Encrypted pages take longer to load, so you may notice that Facebook is slower using HTTPS."

    To read more about what Facebook has to say about HTTPS see:

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