A number of people have mentioned that their posts go missing and they have been banned from forums. Several posted the info that they had put on the forums. The general consensus of those I've talked to has been "What did they say that warranted a ban" Now don't get me wrong. I appreciate the moderators keeping an eye on the posts to ensure they are not hurtful or rude. But most of the stuff I've seen was in no way attacking. Simply different view points. So my question is. Why are they being banned for posts that do not seem to be attacking but rather an alternate viewpoint of the party line so to speak. I had always the the forums were a place to help improve the game and the game play but if posts that differ in viewpoint are deleted and the users banned doesn't that pretty much defeat the purpose? If it's going to that extreme perhaps the posts should be limited to a help section and announcement section. Might as well delete the whole general discussions section. To say the least my frustration level with kano has been escalating. Canned messages, dismissive answers, deleting and banning. This is not the Kano that we as users have worked hard to try and support. The games themselves have even become a farce. Between glitchy bounties, lagging servers, un hits (they should not count towards the leaderboard) job helps in a tab (again should not count as bosses helped) The very essence of the games has become one of greed and manipulation of numbers. I know the hot word of the day is alts but personally they never bothered me. At least they kept the game moving. Far more destructive are the scripts and manipulations. The entire game has really become, all attack, ambush, stay dead and work the numbers. Now users are being banned willy nilly for speaking their mind about issues, many in a very respectable tone. I do apologize for the negative tone of posts. I guess I've rather given up the idea that kano actually listens to input thus my tone has changed from helpful to frustration.
Ben is right there is only one moderator currently active, but for 99% of the time it's me. So, if anyone would know if threads/posts were being unjustly removed and users banned "willy-nilly" it would be me, because hey, I'm the only one around to do it. I've given a temporary ban to only one person recently and it wasn't for disagreeing with the "party line" or any of that. Other than that the only users I've permanently banned were spam accounts. If we (or rather I) weren't interested in having the forums around for discussion why am I putting effort into changing the forum software, trying to revamp the ideas section or loosening up on the Code of Conduct and bringing back a general off-topic area to promote more conversation around the games?
well that would explain why i got no reply from you and why you beat around the bush when i asked about my posts getting deleted. screw this lame ass forum, im done with it.. farewell friends and frenemies, its been fun for a bit.
Demonik, in future if you would like a reply and an explanation from me please refrain from using abusive language.
trust me, you dont have to worry about that anymore. feel free to ban or delete this forum acct, im done with it, thanks.
I just recently got whacked for disagreeing. You called it something else, but thats what it was. Somone thought a particular player was respectable, and I had to chime in that no, they where not. Ya, maybe I stepped a bit over the TOS. but where I did step over the lines where also hard facts that could be proven. Kano should not be making shires for cheaters and bullies. How am I supposed to resist that without stepping over the Tos? so when are we getting specail gifts for Josh Norris, and Nigel Bousie?
Eraser, you could have made your point without going as far as you did. If you had made the bare minimum of effort to be at least somewhat considerate of other people's feelings towards the recently deceased regardless of how you felt about how they played the game then I wouldn't have given you a time out.
I beleive i said. "I am not trying to disrespect someone on their grave, but there is so much wrong with this" maybe Kano should have regards for the feelings of the players that she bullied, how do you think this gift makes them feel?
I'm aware that you tried to caveat what you said but saying "I'm not trying to do X" and then doing exactly that is still pretty insensitive. I'm sorry (personally, not saying this as a representative of Kano) if anyone was upset by us making a gift for this deceased player. But to suggest that we're ignoring the feelings of those who did not have a good relationship with this player while they were in game or that we've deliberately or even maliciously passed up similar requests in the past is untrue. If players have a problem with something that we're doing they're always welcome to bring it up with us either here in the forums or in Support. However, and I don't think this is too much to ask, I do expect a modicum of decency and sensitivity when players are discussing sensitive events with us and the forum-going public. If you feel like you can't express your opinion in such a way, my Private Message inbox is always open.
You will get mighty old waiting for Victims to stick up for themselves. You have no idea the pain and suffering my friend went thru behind this woman, my comments where light. This gift is a big slap in the face to me after the tears that I've wiped, and a bigger slap in the face to the victim. We've lost more friends than this over the last 3 years of playing. The players make memorials and tributes to their friends as we should, because they are our friends, and we are the ones feeling their loss. Kano stepping in and making some gift that you can send is wrong because im sure, we've all caused grief to someone at one time or another playing this game. and you're effectively giving this person the ability to continue bullying from beyond.