[KanoPlay] Defeat an error has occurred

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Demonik1, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    WHAT are you guys doin?? vc serv 2 is goin batshit
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    cant do the calendar, adventures...GUILD WARS....hellllllllppppp
  3. Deblovscats1

    Deblovscats1 Active Member

    FB VC is! Can't do anything!!!
  4. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    yea seems servers are taking a beating
  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    kp server2 seems to be back to normal now, hopefully it stays that way...thanks for the quick fix kano!

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