December 8th Developer Update - Attack Boosts

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Loren, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    To better introduce and outline the feature, we released an update to Attack Boosts. We have removed the drop down selection box beside each Slayer on the Fight List and replaced them with a single Stamina Slider located at the top of the page.

    The same logic as before, just a new location. If you have not yet unlocked Attack Boosts the feature bar will appear locked. Hover over the blue information icon to read about how Attack Boosts work.

    We are now performing an additional check to ensure players are not trying to use Attack Boosts against players outside of their XP Range.

    If you encounter any issues with this update, please post a reply to this thread and we will address them immediately.
  2. Jager

    Jager Member

    We are now performing an additional check to ensure players are not trying to use Attack Boosts against players outside of their XP Range

    Does this apply to players outside your XP range that are higher, lower, or both?

  3. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    It applies to both, otherwise we would be opening up an unfair advantage in a single direction. The Attack Boost is intended to help you in a close battle against 'like' opponents, i.e. ones within your XP range.
  4. Jager

    Jager Member

    Thank you for the clarification.

  5. Hated

    Hated Member

    can we get a limit on attacking lower levels with boost? i know its NO lower attacks, but what if we are getting tarted by a lower level (even 2 levels under you) and they are using a power attack and win, but its not 100% you attack back and win, it would be great to use a power attack to win back for them strong lower levels...

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