December 17th Developer Update - France Death Deal

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    A Death Deal challenge has been added to France. This is the same style of game that we released to Russia however the required number of hands to win is much lower and the running time of the game has been reduced as well.

    Win 50 hands within the 2 day time limit to earn the Clear Bonus.

    Your feedback is always appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  2. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    Cool. Glad you lowered the win requirement as well. 85 DID seem a bit much...
  3. Jay Shinigami

    Jay Shinigami Member

    I prefer the rocket launchers to the death deals personally...

    But always nice to see new content :)
  4. Buzzbomb

    Buzzbomb New Member

    How about adding something to the Challenges page to show progress/completion on each of the challenges? I can't remember which ones I've finished or have yet to do, and on the challenges page they all pretty much look the same.
  5. Kamandi2

    Kamandi2 New Member

    Why not add a choice of either a rocket launcher or a death deal to each country? Both could work toward the same achievements, but it would allow the players a choice of which style of game they prefer. They could choose the 1 click for 2 hours rocket launcher or the 12 clicks for 2 hours death deal.
  6. Lacko

    Lacko New Member

    I'm not against new ideas, but these card games - in all Kano games - are very boOoring. Very. Even if i can't get an achievement for it and i'm leveling slower, i've just stopped playing/publishing them.

    At least a 21 or anything alike, free rounds, etc. phew... :(
  7. Kamandi2

    Kamandi2 New Member

    One thing that really should be changed is the outcome of a "Draw". That just prolongs the agony of the game. The mechanics of a "Draw" should be changed to:

    1. As it currently does, no chip is used.
    2. The game progress should advance by "1" just as it does currently with a win.
    3. There should be no payout of cash or experience, just as it does currently with a loss.

    That would help to slightly alleviate the tedium of the process.
  8. Big Ken

    Big Ken Member

    I have to agree, I dont like the card games at a choice would be nice
  9. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    I've already stated that the death deals are tedious and boring. Thanks for listening though Kano and reducing the number of hands. Better than nothing :)
  10. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I think most people only don't enjoy the death deals because of the low payouts. Would feel a lot more worth while if there was the chance to win UN while playing. I know we get UN for finishing it, but it's only a couple. If you had the chance to win 5 Un like in the shooters, I think more people would stick with them.
  11. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    No, I think they are just plain boring, payout or not. I'm not saying shooters are super exciting, just they seem to be less painful to do.

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