The question is, why does Kano advertise for deals that`ll give you free favor points when it doesn`t work, wouldn`t it be an idea to remove it and not having misleading advertising ?
We unfortunately do not have any control over the Deal of the Day, which is offered by TrialPay a third-party company. If you are having any troubles with the Deal of the Day or any of their Favor Point offers, I recommend contacting them through their Support email address: or
I've had problems with this before, too. Sometimes you get the points later on that day, sometimes you have to contact them to get the points (either way, it isn't immediate). There is a link on the page where the offers are that you can click on to submit a request. That is the fastest way to get your points. When you buy FPs directly from Kano, you get them almost immediately and you don't have to worry about all of this.