Nice system giving us the choice between Stam or Energy.. Day 329 Maybe an extra bonus for those that log on daily for the full year,perhaps??..
I see daily rewards option has disappeared. Is this because yer getting worried I might make it to 365 days..hahaha
Lol... you would have to be a pretty sheltered person to log in every day for a year... but i do think i good idea would be a special 'birthday' reward for your 365th day of playing the game
Haha I pretty much try to log in every day... even if I only spend a couple of mins blasting through my stamina on bosses and using my energy.. I check my facebook and emails daily so it doesn't take much time to check my ZS
We are looking to add some surprise around every 30 day as well as a full year, but we need to add that in.
I know its not so difficult to log in 10-15 minutes a day to make GP and to play, but hell no, 365 days a year? Don't you have a family, days to celebrate, Christmas, Easter or something, vacations, holidays or something?
Well if they got 330+ days so far, I'm guessing they manage on their own way. I myself have 15 days or so right now, but I don't mind daily players being rewarded.
For all the reasons u mentioned and more...I think playing every single day for a year would be very difficult for most, impossible for others , but none the less a very impressive display of dedication which is exactly why it should be rewarded
If there hadn't been some distractions (festival, losing interest in ZS, moving etc) I might be at over 300 consecutive days played already. But so I'm only at about 30 days.
LOL Yeah but is it RETRO, so those who really did the deal already, gets the Cheese ) sounds like a sweet deal then Joined 560 days ago and not sure if I actually missed any dayz there )
Joined 370 days ago Day 336 You currently have no rewards to collect. Collect your next reward in 16:17:30 All-Time 5875015 A reward at 365 days would be AWESOME!!!
I´ve been logging in every day for more than a year ¬¬ I´m no nerd, not crazy, have a real life and still I love VC ) Actually my browser opens directly into the game so what´s my reward gonna be?? xD