[VC] Customized Loadout Coming to Viking Clan

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey everyone,

    After spending a couple weeks in development, we're ready to start rolling out the Customized Loadouts to every game. We'll be bringing it to the other games in short order.

    Here's a quick screenshot of what it will look like in game:


    I'm a big fan of the way it updates you stats in real-time in the bottom left when you mouse over items. Once it's live, feel free to leave feedback on it!

    Your Personal Loadout can also be selected from the Settings:

  2. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Thanks Mi7ch et al. I've just stumbled into it and I LIKE it. I am pleased to see you have at last taken the alternative instant loadout feedback on board. It will make a quick costume change out of your pyjamas and into your fighting gear much quicker. Thanks again :)
  3. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    OOOH I've just played with the Autofill Loadout too. Nice touch and time saver as well. At last the strongest attack/defence works in the right order. I was always frustrated by the best in each category not necessarily being in descending order. Now they are, thank you.

    'A' for attack, 'B' for bed, 'C' for spare - well that's close enough for me.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2013
  4. hell yeah i like this very much you don't know how many times i sat there and fought with it. now i got three load-outs i want and it easy as hell . thanks kano
  5. Karess

    Karess Member

    Thank you! This is awesome and I LOVE IT!!!

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