[Other] Crazy hitlist event

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Jessica, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    Ok I was thinking of something new and interesting for the games and was thinking wouldn't it be awesome if we had a limited time hitlist event that maybe happened twice a month? Here's how it would work:
    During event any time you kill someone on hitlist you would automatically be placed on the hitlist yourself. So the more hitlist kills you make during the event the more times you would get placed on the hitlist yourself. It would be pretty much chaos during the event trying to kill people and stay alive yourself once you do kill them. It still needs some working on for like how/where the money comes from and stuff like that but anyone else think this would be super fun?
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I don't feel the need to vote this down but it's not an idea i like.

    I get that overall people are just looking for something more to do in the games and that i can agree with.

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