I think it would be in the best interest for kano to compensate everyone who as played today on there apps and been disrupted not once but twice in 1 day, and lost alot of game information and stats and time and effort. We understand that things can go wrong but come this is pretty poor for an up and coming game developer with alot of following.
If it's going to reset something I wish it would accidentally reset the skill points so I can reallocate them LMAO. I know Atheistic before you reply this is a 'closed" subject. LOL
Please pay by: Jan 16, 2012 Total Due: $646.59 looks like you have bigger matters to deal with bitch Find a corner and die in it ya fuck
Lol, aw. Searching my Facebook page for something to use against me? Keep crying buddy. I'm building a boat so I can float on down this river of tears.