Comments on users walls

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by boo, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. boo

    boo New Member

    I miss the ability to be able to communicate to other players on a personal feed so to speak. Going to there game profile page and be able to send personal messages and not the "canned" messages that is provided. Those messages only go so far....
  2. except if free messaging were allowed to anyone in the game it would quickly turn into a wasteland of verbal abuse and have so many support issues.that is the reason why non squad members you only get the canned messages
  3. Except that in other games you're allowed to do just that. Communicate with a person. Somehow those games manage. And it doesn't necessarily follow that the game would quickly turn into a wasteland of verbal abuse.

    Facebook has the block feature a person can use in case of abuse. But even if it didn't, I'd simply ignore any messages and delete any wall posts made by people I don't like.

    The canned responses for the most part are horrible.
  4. well i cant say for sure but just by forum posts i think i can safely assume quite a bit will get out of control.
  5. I can understand how you could feel that way, but I won't be convinced that things would be any worse then say the comments a Vampire Wars player may make. I'm not a baby to be molly coddled. And if things get out of hand, well that's where the block feature provided so kindly by Facebook comes into play.

    Assume what you'd like, safely or not, but things will only get out of control if you as an individual allow that to occur.
  6. I can say with 100% certainty that on Myspace, unless they enforce a zero tolerance policy regarding abuse/harassment/threats against other players, starting and ending with permanent ban of accounts. It will get horrific in no time at all. There are several people who play on Myspace who I have seen put up the worst bigoted remarks that would make a "skin head" turn his head. Behind the presumed veil of anonymity the typical inhibitors of such behavior fall away.

    When you flatly say that your motivation for spending somebody elses money to boost your account is to beat on somebody because of the ethnicity of a pic on their myspace profile that you assume is them, some of our players do indeed have their psychological problems.

    Granted it could be fun, but frankly I'm content with the canned messages.
  7. and i agree 100% with this.
  8. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Well, if we ignore problems on the forums, the closest thing we have to the wall posting is the world boss feed. It would not be a problem on Facebook, where almost all the posts are "add me."
    But the MySpace feed had death threats from numerous players.

    I agree, but there are a few situations when the canned messages don't cut it.
  9. Ace

    Ace Member

    I think there should be more canned messages, or they could just remove them. Those who don't like messages can just block people who send and that's it. If things get "bad", it's because both sides want it to be that way.
  10. No one's heard of the "block" feature?

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