Claiming false innocence for a seemingly endless ambush

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eraser, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    I edited my post, because it was a step by step guide for screwing other players over with ambushes. I Hope The right people had a chance to read it. If its not going to be adressed, I dont want it to be published.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2011
  2. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    I agree the ambushes are kind of a mess. I'd rather see a way to overpower the ambushes once in a while then to see the attacks reset at the same time. Maybe a boost or something. I would not want the counters to reset at the same time as I will let my rivals roll off the list and reset. So if they reset at the same time they get to attack me all that time I'm letting them roll off my rivals which would mean there is no incentive for me to quit attacking them.

    Maybe limit the number of ambushes someone is allowed to have on any given player at a time.

    Or have them expire after a certain amount of time.

    Or here's a thought have each ambush set decrease in strength. so the first ambush is a sure fire win the second does 95% of the protection 3rd 90% and so on. In this scenerio they get the protection needed however it reduces the abuse.

    Something to make it not so easy to ambush someone. As it stands often times those that ambush buy 40 at a time, so you you can't win with the ambushes set up. If you let them reset they often still have ambushes on you from the last time so when you retaliate you still have ambushes, if you eat the ambushes they get cheap ones again. It's a never ending cycle.

    I am not sure I can come up with a good way to fix the limits on things but they tend to restrict the fighting aspect of the game too much. Kano has done an excellent job with ZS making it competitve but at the same time we need the freedom to use our strengths. All accounts were not created equal and if you try to make it equal there is really no point. As I tell my kids I never said life was equal I said it is fair. That means you have equal opportunity but it's not just handed to you.

    Good points skywalker.
  3. or lower the amount of ambushes....i assume this is ZS

    for viking and LCN it drops to 10 ambushes

    for ZS where theres a limit of 20 fights before exp is nothing

    id think 10 ambush limit would fit better than 75
  4. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    what game are u referring to? the attack counter doesnt reset in MW until 24 hrs of not attacking or are u sayin that u only play once a day? if the fighting is even like that on MW then the ambushes are basically the same either way u go so that 2nd player would be able to place the same 75 ambushes that u state as well and both fighters would have to run through the same ambushes so it is the same thing either way u look at it

    i am not a fan of ambushes anyway though be i feel like they are stupid and take the fighting out of the game
  5. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    The Only game one I play is Zombie Slayer on Myspace. I only assumed all the games had thier ambushes set up at least relatively the same way. It makes no sense at all for the ambush to cost the same on both sides, if one player is heavily attacking and the other one unable to retaliate.

    And yes, I when they're used appropriatley, Its supposed to take the fight out... "Hey I better not keep creaming that guy that cant attack me back on the fight list, because he'll just ambush me." Thats the way it should be.

    The point was that people that people that are fighting back, can set up days worth of ambushes cheap, just by letting thier counters reset, mainly becoming a problem because the amount of punching has easily quadrupled, and speculatively increased 10 fold.
  6. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Yes, it would create a need to keep attacking to keep them on your rivals list, but for the most part, if you can win, you want to do that anyway... Its already a tactic to keep punching people to make them keep attacking back.

    I do see it being a problem tho, It would let somone at the verry top of your rivals disapear, if you where just trying to be nice to them by not attacking back. and in that, Would only be an inconvinence if thier new attack on you changed your mind about being nice to them, or you where not a daily player, that would cause some issues too.

    I personally wouldnt mind it, but i do see the problems.

    There are several types of attacks that do not move somone back to the top of your rivals tho, like boobytraps and ambushes... If punches and hitlist attacks where this same way, It would close up the endless ambush. Nobody has an opinion on that?

    and in reply to satanic, I agree, limiting available ambushes per player to somewhere between 10-20 would be a good fix too. I aprove :)
  7. Ace

    Ace Member

    I'm sorry, but if you're dumb enough not to let your attacks reset on your target so they can still have cheap (cheaper, in fact) ambushes, it's not his fault.
  8. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    The problem is even if you do let it reset they buy enough so that when you do attack again there are still ambushes and as soon as you attack again they are cheap. Hence the request for a limit.

    for example:
    you set up 60 ambushes on me since they are cheap. I go through 40 of them and then let you reset. I come back there are still 20 ambushes and the minute I attack the count starts again by the time I'm through 20 of them they are cheap again and you just buy another 60.

    That's the way you play that's fine, I'm just going to have my entire squad looking for the pk and I'll HL when I'm bored as well. You can keep your ambushes sitting there, i'll just find a different way. But so many are ambushing like that now there is little to do in the fighting aspect of the game. It's become a stalemate.
  9. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    I can't really comment, I haven't paid much attention to what moves someone up. But there should be some sort of penalty for ambushing other than just a little cash. So at the very minimum it should move them back to the top of your rivals.

    And yes, I often let people roll off my rivals just to be nice. but then I'm sure that is a rare thing in this game.
  10. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    So you must be one of these dirty ambushers, loving the loophole that im pointing out.
  11. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    thats not called being a dirty ambusher, thats called playin the ambushes the way u are supposed to

    ambushes are a major part of the game, in MW u need 1000 ambushes to reach the full ambush achievement so u gotta get in where u fit in, but either way it goes everytime u run through an ambush it counts as an attack on ur end too so its not like the ambushes are gonna be any cheaper because u decide to wait b4 ur next attack since u have 20 ambushes remaining...its not gonna make a difference anyway

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