Okay, NOBODY likes to get ambushed, but we can recognize it as an Important part of the game. but, there is a major issue that needs to be addressed about how the price of them is calculated.
Sure, The more someone attacks you without them retaliating should make the ambush cheaper, but the problem is when two people are fighting, and punching for 10 days without a break in the attack counter and rack up a total of 500-600 attack rivalry.
One player can kill the other with a punch while the other is offline, and as expected, 6 hours later that other player is going to retaliate with the same offline kill punch. When the first said player logs back in, he sees that he's been killed by a punch, but his side of the attack counters will refresh in 2 more hours, while the second players attack counter will not refresh for 6 hours AFTER.
If the first player can only mustard the patience to wait out the 2 hours before his attack counter resets, that allows him 6 hours in which to set up the maximum amount of 75 ambushes at a low cost, most likely comparable to the cost of the rivals bounty. Punch the rival a few times to make sure they attack, and eat the first 40 ambushes, and easily be able to afford to replace the first 40 ambushes before preceding to Put their 40 attacks into that player.
So, the player that retaliates a punch kill, is forced to take a total of 115, almost 3 days worth of ambushes, before he can win again, just because he defended himself.
Ambushes are supposed to be for people that are getting attacked regularly, and cannot defend themselves, but the way it is set up has a giant loophole. I know it all too well, because I have had this endless ambush happen to me, and returned the favor for them. The loophole needs to be closed, so I have prepared a few answers to the problem.
- Letting attack counters reset at the same time.... So if One of two rivals attack counter resets, both of them do... this would still allow people that are not retaliating, heavy attacks a chance to ambush, and prevent the false innocence.
-Changing punches and hitlist attacks to not refresh the attack counter...This would limit the loophole to an aperture. the only chance of a person setting ambushes without having their attacks counter would be the time between The rivals last attack, and their last attack... which is usually only seconds or minutes when it is a fair fight and both parties win.
What do you guys think?
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