Cross-posted from the Battle Arena feedback thread just so everyone is on the same page:
I will be the first to admit that this change did not work out the way we had hoped. These Arena updates were intended accommodate feature feedback and make it more enjoyable and open to a wider variety of players. Our goal is to always improve the game, not to drive people away from it. Because that would be quite silly.
We've been keeping a close watch on the latest event. Between the data that we have gathered on our end and the feedback here in the forums, we can safely say that this iteration of the Battle Arena will not be making another appearance. That isn't to say that we are wiping this whole concept and going back to the drawing board; there were some positive aspects that came out of this and we will be focusing on those going forward. Changes which did not work out, such as the Revival system, will be given a hard look in future implementations.
We appreciate the feedback that we've gotten over the past day of the Arena and will continue to review comments as they appear. I'm sorry that this Arena was a frustrating experience for many and we are already working to resolve the issues that have been reported.
Please stay tuned for further updates.

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