Cache servers going down again!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by FallenKnight, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. FallenKnight

    FallenKnight Member

    Here we go again folks

    I cant do Jobs right now....
    There is an Job already in progress. Please try again.
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Has already been forwarded up to the developers FallenKnight. Hopefully they can get it fixed as soon as possible. Please be patient its happening thru the kano games not just one.
  3. FallenKnight

    FallenKnight Member

    Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra is offline, we hope to have it back up shortly.

    Thanks for your patience, we will be back shortly!

    I was right
  4. Mystique

    Mystique New Member

    it's the same on all clans...again...happens kind of often latelly.....
  5. FallenKnight

    FallenKnight Member is a given that once it started it would be a chain reaction through all the apps. I am used to it as it is down on Facebook as well. So here i sit as normal. Was thinking of adding a bit of $$ to my wifes account today but I think I will tell her not to.
  6. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the loss of game play it may have caused you. But hopefully it will be up and running smoothly in a few. Things tend to happen sometimes. And over the weekends we know many companies do not have a lot of people working. It may be a skeleton crew of individuals working on the issues right now. At least there is someone there so it should be back up as soon as possible instead of having to wait till the weekday like some other apps.
  7. The Codfater

    The Codfater New Member

    Well I hope this time when its resolved ALL the fight stats have been backed up as we were promised weeks ago
  8. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Codfater don't quote me on this but i believe you are right that issue was resolved that when an issue like this happened again it would not lose those anymore. We will just have to wait and see if that update was implemented since this is the first time its been down since those were upgraded to protect those.
  9. The Codfater

    The Codfater New Member

    No it hasnt been resolved,fight stats have once again reset,btw its not meant 2 be Codfater,it should have been Codfather but I registered b4 I noticed,any chance you can change it.?
  10. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I know at one time there was a way to change it but i am not sure if its still there to be able to do it let me look into it and get back to you on it.
  11. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    btw they are all backup now not sure if anyone posted it yet
  12. Bob Sciarrone

    Bob Sciarrone Member

    I'll tell you what, I am getting very disgusted with LCN, This is the third time this problem exists in a month. I quit Mafia Wars because of the reoccurring issues.

    That, coupled with the hands off of the hi5 players and the perks they received and the running of their mouths is too much crap for me.

    Why am I spending money when they get it for free?

    You are making some very bad business decisions and eventually many will getsick and tired of it and will give up on LCN.
  13. FallenKnight

    FallenKnight Member

    from the research i have done...the Hi% players were not given more then what they had already spent or earned on the game. The situation that Kano was put in with Hi5 was out of Kano's control and did the only thing they could do for the dis-placed players from Hi5
  14. Bob Sciarrone

    Bob Sciarrone Member

    hi5 has no control or can not negotiate any perks given to LCN players. Only KANO can authorize that. So any research you have done was frivolous to say the least. KANO owns LCN and they are the only ones that give out perks on that game. If anything was negotiated with players or hi5, it came from KANO.

    What you are saying is if someone owned stock in a company, then that person can negotiate on behalf of the company which makes absolutely no sense.

    Anyway, i am also sick and tired of no one fixing my link:

  15. Hi5 stopped carrying games.

    Players who had invested money into the game were reimbursed for their purchases on the network that they chose to start over on.

    There are no perks being given out, players are being reimbursed for purchases they made and lost due to a decision made by a social network.

    I'm sure if you were forced to start over after investing money into the game that you would want - or expect - to be reimbursed by Kano.
  16. Bob Sciarrone

    Bob Sciarrone Member

    If in fact hi5 stopped carrying games, this has nothing to do with KANO. That was a decision made by the social network and they are responsible, not KANO. However, thanks for confirming that KANO took the authoritative role in giving the perks, reimbursements, or whatever you wish to call it.

    In other business, when FB goes down, I was told to go to KANOAPPS and play there. I'm wondering why those other players weren't directed to the site I just mentioned. Then when they join another social network, their game would be integrated into it.
  17. Kano's client is linked to Facebook if I remember correctly. So normally, when players have an issue with Facebook, they can use the client side portion of the game.

    There is no "if in fact" for Hi5. It was a big deal on the forums. Hi5 announced out of the blue that they wouldn't continue to host games on their social network site.

    Those players that had spent years on Hi5 building their characters and buying credits in order to further strengthen their characters were basically screwed over.

    I'm not entirely sure on what the packages came with, or if they were only given to players who had actually paid money to KANO for credits, or if the packages were given to all Hi5 players regardless of any purchase history.

    Anyway, perhaps an admin can give you a better explanation than I can.
  18. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    yes HI5 stopped carrying Kano games, but kano was nice enuf to help players from that site transfer to My space or FB with some compensation, for those that spent money and those that did not, different compensation packages, all that is in this forum, and it is an ongoing issue, and Kano had 30 days in which to work something out for those players , and they did not even have to do anything, it was done in good faith for those players, so if you are interested you can look in the forum for all that ongoing info and discussion. :)
  19. Bob Sciarrone

    Bob Sciarrone Member

    The issue of all this that I know is that these players came on FB and ran their mouths off. This is why they are hated by most. For myself, my issue is when they go for my bounty, I should have the right to attack, hitlist or whatever else I decide to do. I don't get a FREE ride and neither should they. They should suffer the same consequences that I do when I hunt, I'm open for 24 hours while these selected are protected.

    While KANO did a noble thing for those players, they made it unfair to us in the above respect. And those players should have come "low key" and not have made so many enemies. In essence, the players KANO was helping ruined it and KANO takes the brunt of it.

    Way to go guys. It certainly is nice of you to give KANO a big swift kick in the butt!

    Anyway, thanks for clearing this up and we are way off topic here so I am out of here.

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