Greetings Players, Today at approximately 5:13pm PST one of our cache servers went offline, the root cause is still being investigated. This was an unplanned outage. Some players may notice blank or missing information in their game. Unfortunately the following information has been reset: Rivals List Reset Counter Attack Costing Reset Bounty Cost Increase Reset Gift Counter for the day Reset Misc Help Counters for the day Alerts will be re-shown Boss min dmg sliders will Reset We are working on new systems to minimize this impact for the future. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
We will be looking to move the following to persistent storage as soon as possible so that when / if cache servers die it will not cause any major annoyances: Bounty Cost Increase (hopefully done this week) Rivals List (as early as next week) Counter Attack Costing (as early as next week)