[LCN] Burn the body!

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by graveyardgabby, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. graveyardgabby

    graveyardgabby Active Member

    I'm sure this one will go over like a lead ballon but, here goes . . . .

    This mobster has just been attacked and has been killed or is too weak to fight

    How about adding another attack you can use on people hiding in their grave? I know people complain in chat about how people won't heal up and are hiding. Yes, the controversial part of this is that people also feel bullied so they will lay low in the hospital or the grave until the bully moves on. I know we already have whacked mobsters to fight if we need to do our daily or have no one on the fight list. This would obviously be for true rivals just like punching and listing. Idk, just another pvp attack that I think some people might enjoy if it gave some decent xp and also cost their hiding rival a bit as well.

    I would suggest it would cost the person burned the same xp as a death from the hit list and maybe require some energy (for fuel haha) and some stamina to initiate the attack. Maybe make burning the body an option if you kill someone only so, it won't be something that gets a lot of abuse. Example - you attack someone to the hospital (or fight kill them), finish them off with a pk, and then the option to burn the body comes up.

    Okay, burn me at the stake for sharing another silly idea :p I'm ready for it.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
  2. RafeDavid

    RafeDavid Well-Known Member

    It is definitely a creative idea. As someone who spends quite a bit of time in the hospital I don't like it. After admitting that I do heal after I attack someone a few times to give them an opportunity for revenge however usually someone else beats the snot out of me and tries to PK me before the person I fought gets that chance.
  3. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    This seems impossible to implement. How should the game know how many times you hit a dead opponent? I also don't see the point, really. Dead is dead, move on to someone else. So not a great idea.
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Extra hit if in hospital how I read it, and a big fat zero from me on this idea.
    We all heal down due to various life/game reasons and to attack someone more? Good luck with that.
  5. Englander

    Englander Member

    ermm what? lose xp for being killed then lose more xp for being burned in the grave!! great idea NOT lol
  6. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    i actually like this idea, it's different from what we have in the game now, and any xp you lose you can make up with a challenge help or two.

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