
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Sour_Rubbish, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    Will this season ( quarter ) sent by mail ballot letters ?
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yep, we're going to be sending out a Fall/Winter newsletter in the next couple of weeks. :)
    RainSunGone and George Burd like this.
  3. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    This quarter will be a letter?
  4. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    sweeet :)
  5. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    How do I get one? :p I only get them for kong.
    I'm sure I've mentioned this loads of times before lol.
    You guys ever consider sending them to our in game inboxes and sending them to to peoples e-mails if they've been inactive for a while.
  6. Shadowmaster

    Shadowmaster Member

    I don't really check the email that isn't my college email often, any way to post the newsletter as an announcement in VC?

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