Bring back the thread "Clean up the Feed"

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jillian Thyra Johansson, Feb 20, 2012.

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  1. Kano, that thread was an important discussion regarding where the line is in terms of vile comments by players. It had unprecedented support from players who are at each other's throats in game yet came together to request a ban of a person who has crossed the line of decency over and over until it sickened us into uniting for a have him banned from the game permanently.

    If there were comments that violated your terms of use, then censor them, but allow the thread to continue so that we can all have resolution to this controversy.

    In the two plus years I have been playing VC, I have never seen rivals agree as much on one topic as this one. That alone should tell you, Kano, how much we want this person and his filth removed so that we never need speak or think of it again.

    Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
  2. Ya...I could be wrong. But, the only one that stated anything inappropriate was, Donar. Though, was there not a shot or two taken at Kano for their lack of taking action ? That would explain it.............
  3. I'm not sure, Yooper. Last time I saw it was a couple of hours ago. I DO know that he wrote to one of my guild members that he deliberately sabotaged the thread to get it deleted. I'll copy his message so you can see.

    [CC] Only the dishonourab - 15 minutes ago polishpimpn is going to be mad that you accepted my clan request after I got his unwarranted thread deleted off the forums.

    If he makes any more vile comments, I hope Kano will simply delete them if they violate TOU rather than the entire feed.
  4. They can delete the thread yet not ban him...hhhmmmm That's pathetic...........
  5. Actually, if I recall, the thread had a player arguing with other players who were all under the same mindset.

    Regardless, that isn't a discussion. There's no need to keep a thread up just so you and your friends can agree on moral standards.

    As for whether or not Kano decides to take disciplinary action against the offending player, that's their decision to make. You all have the ability to block any user on the Kano world chat. You've no one to blame but yourself if you choose not to use it.
  6. Actually, you are incorrect. A lot of people posting on that thread are not friends of mine....rivals in fact. The mere fact that we all agree that player should be banned should carry a lot of weight with Kano. AND, as far as I know, his clan is still subjected to his vile rants, baseless accusations and reprisals if they declan him.

    I don't even have the world chat up on my VC and PC games, just heard what he was saying....the same thing he's been saying for almost two years. And it's disgusting. When it is YOUR turn for him to call you a baby rapist, perhaps you will want him banned as well.
  7. Sorry, but I've long since left high school and have never really cared what some stranger on the internet calls me. I know I'm not a baby rapist, so he can sling insults and accusations my way until he's blue in the face.

    Won't bother me.

    If he gets banned, great. I don't see that it'll make a big difference since he'll be able to easily create a new Myspace/Facebook profile and just continue doing what he wants.

    Just block him and move on with your lives.
  8. Perhaps you missed the part where this person goes waaaaay beyond slinging insults and calling names in the feed? He has also contacted local police to report players in this game for child molestation and researched private home phone numbers of other players so that he could call and harass them. It's a bit more serious and sick than you realize.

    Why don't you just go on with your life and allow this kind of behavior rather than take a stand. And those of us who care about this more than you can draw a line for decency, okay? While you are allowed to have your opinion, so are we. Tootle loo.
  9. He's contacted local police to report players who aren't local? Makes sense. To report them for a crime they aren't guilty of? Have any of these players been arrested due to this player's whimsical reports?

    Didn't think so.

    If he's researching phone numbers, then that is the responsibility of the social networking site that he's getting the numbers from, not Kano. Whining to Kano about issues that are beyond their power to resolve is pointless, but I realize that a lot of you Myspace players just love to whine.

    I'll take a stand, Jillian. Ban this player! He's sick and wrong!

    Has anything been done? No? Ah well, it was worth a shot. Notice the wasted effort.

    I have my own moral standards and lines of decency. Whining about a player's behavior on a forum for a company that develops gaming applications on the social networks that the offending player is committing these offenses on doesn't fall under those categories though.

    Do you also get upset when a five year old calls you stupid?

    Having an opinion is fine and dandy. "I think this player has issues." is an opinion. "I demand this player be banned instantly! DO SOMETHING NAO KANO!" isn't an opinion.

    If you want to do something about this player, try reporting him to the staff at Facebook or Myspace. Try seeking advice from your own local police departments.

    Throwing a fit at Kano for deleting a thread is hardly efficient in your goals.
  10. Who's whining? Your most recent post sounds more like whining than any other so far.

    We get it, you would prefer to do nothing. So do nothing and stop posting your waste of space comments.

    You say it's a dead issue so go away. Who asked you to keep mouthing off on a subject you say isn't worth your time?

    Just block this thread and ignore it already.
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kano DOES have the ability to ban a player. So asking them to do so is not pointless.

    Btw, you are insulting. I am trying not to stoop to your level of sarcasm because you aren't worth it. Just ignore this thread as you would have us all ignore a clan feed we cannot delete, block or erase. At least you can if that is truly your wish. Run along now.
  12. -Yawn-

    Telling me to run along isn't going to make me do it, sorry to say.

    You seem to think banning this player's Kano profile is going to stop him. So there's no way he could possibly create a new account and get right back into the Kano apps to annoy you, right?

    It'll solve nothing, and you'll be here again asking to ban his next profile.

    You seem as if you want me to do something about the player. Tell me what you want me to do - other than "run along". Should I voice how a player I've never met before or heard of before is speaking vulgarly on the internet?

    Heck, if I were to do that, I'd have to speak out against over 50% of the Kano community.

    Anyway, I've told you how to deal with the problem. It's up to you whether you choose to pursue those options or continue posting here. Run along now. Punish the wicked players of the internet games.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    correct me if im wrong....but these forums are the appropriate place for players to come together and discuss whats important to them in relation to the games is it not? I do believe the thread was in the "general discussions" area was it not? The only person in violation of the TOU was the player in question was it not?

    Numerous messages in regards to this subject were sent to support and went unanswered.

    The fact is that Kano should be banning this player as his subject matter is completely inappropriate and its been going on for nearly 2 years....players have been permanently banned for much less. Yes....the player in question could simply start another account....but they will have to start completely over....if he was dumb enough to start spewing his filth again than that account could be banned.

    The fact that Kano has deleted a thread in which so many players that were long time rivals had come together for a common cause speaks volumes to whether or not Kano actually gives a crap what their players want unless theres a way to make a buck off it.

    Kano has a responsibility to its player and they too have rules and laws they must abide by.....allowing this player to continue in the manner he in direct violation of these rules. Once again Kano Im respectfully asking that u fulfill your obligations to the players. Please consider this once again notification of this players actions
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  14. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    The appropriate way to report an abusive player in the game is to report them through support currently. Discussing actions taken or not taken against a player in the public community is not something I'd like to entertain here. I will make sure this issue gets looked at asap. Thanks.
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