Why is it that we get taxed everyone time that place a bounty? Anyone would like their full price reimbursed into the game. Not a idea this is for discussion.. Dan maybe you can explain it, don't say IC earnings % cause I know it's not true. Just ponder it, and you will think why.......
i'd like some kind of explanation myself...the coin doesnt go anywhere, it just disappears...kinda pointless
yeah ive never understood this either, where does the money go then ?? if it goes no where then why take it off
i believe the percentage is deducted as a deterrent to gold transfers from one player to another. personally i think this idea is outdated, at the very least the percentage should decrease as the bounties rise. Would also be nice if the amounts taken were dispersed to ones inner circle or went into some type of prize pool.
Polish's answer is pretty bang on, if it were 1 to 1 this could enable cash swaps albeit a risky proposition. As for where the difference goes, in reality it goes into the ether but in context of the game you could say this is an overhead or listing charge. It costs $$ to put up a bounty notice, pay out the winner, take it down the notice etc etc...
TY SMACK, I just want 1 more ? answered, do you see the bounties FB VC? Transfer coin is not option there way to many hunters IMO. I still think coin paid should be coin collected.
I liked to think of the take out as a tax, necessary to keep the inflation in the "economy" down. Of course that idea got ruined when the "state" brought in a "Lottery" to raise voluntary taxes and corrupt the "nation" with some hyperinflation. A gold coin is not what it used to be. BTW what about a "casino" ...
Ya got that right Kel. The whole lottery thing paying out at 50% is one of the reasons I think the whole "bounty tax" thing is outdated. Someone can win a lot of gold basically risk free from the lottery while gold transfers are anything but risk free(especially when u consider things like the bounty delays and what not). The biggest diff being that Kano charges FP for the lottery...doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out the what and why of all that...lol. In the end....There are loop holes than can be exploited and are quickly "updated " unless they turn a profit for Kano. Understandable? Absolutely! But the lack of middle ground for those that get it and have played both sides(payed, played and contributed) in favor of the sheep.... despicable! In no uncertain terms...Kano is failing because they have all but abandoned/neglected those who have got them where they WERE in the first place. Rep is everything.....Kano has been and continues to lose it by the day...why? Ask any of their X long term players. Ive enjoyed as much if not more success than any single Kano player.....would I recommend them to anyone? Not on your life! The more you do....the more your punished plain and simple. Amidst the watered down version of the old games the only real competition that exist is that between the old guard and the new Kano. Hope the whole whole "eggs in one basket" thing works out for them.....but then theres always KOT. @Kano, so ....could u explain the whole..."dont be a dick' thing again?
We are not talking about real money here with the tax on bounties thing. Kano do not get to pocket anything, it is just a SILLY bit of gamesmanship that seems to have no purpose other than to impose a tax for the sake of imposing it. It is ether money that just evaporates. I like Kel's idea of doing something useful with it like a casino or something. Instead of it just being a weak part of the game that irritates players and causes us to moan about the weaknesses of Kano, why don't they turn it into a strength that enhances the game somehow? We could see a variety of inspired ideas here for enhancing the game. How about a separate lottery for coin that players can buy into somehow, or award it as discount at the blacksmith, or convert it to stamina on a value basis or something. Come on guys, let's be creative here as I think we can develop this weakness into a strength that will encourage game play.
This is the other thread talking about doing something with the tax money. I have just written this to place it next to the other thread on the list for easier reading.
The one titled 'Bounty Price' which is I type is immediately above this - but will move again as peeps add to it.