In the early days of viking clan, I am told, 1500 listings were required to get your bounty achievement completed. It then became 1000 for whatever reason. It was then reduced to 400 at the same time the bounty multiplier on a second listing was increased to 10X i.e. first bounty was 1,000,000,000,000, the second would be 10,000,000,000,000. The latter was reconsidered as it became too much "bounty protection" as folks could not afford a second or third listing on x person. So x had way too much fun But the 400 level for the achievement stayed the same at the time: it was not rectified. Fast forward to where we have lottery players now and players are listing a lot more due to war mode as well. Isn't it about time Kano upped the achievements there, from that 400 level at least back to 1000, and even add a 5000 hitlist done? So bring back 1000 hitlist achievement!!!! Add a 5000 hitlist achievement or even a middle 2500 level. Gosh, I think a level 700 got her 5000th listing done before hitting 400! This is not your grandpop's VC no more! Vote and vote often!
10/10 needs to be raised in every game, i have about 3.7k lists. Plus people would list alot more to get the achivements, and that is good for me lol.
havent voted yet cause i dont quite see the spending money an achievement? i think its a cool stat whenever i happen to see it by accident on my profile page but beyond that? ive never given it a second thought....the only thing i can see this idea promoting is the chainlisting of lower levels more often which could deter alot of newer players from wanting to come back...holding off on voting for now...not a horrible idea but not a great one either unless i see something to sway me one way or the other
Bounty achievements Guess can't get achieve in VC for killing others either. Update that LOL, bounty placed achieve 400 max is BS! Or going to hide the babies again and give them protection?
I give this idea two thumbs up! Originally when the game started there was a "list 5000" achievement - someone complained and it was dropped to a measly 400, which is rightfully, as Matthew stated above...BS...get some real numbers out there...500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000, 16000....why not? Can't really hurt anyone by putting up some fairly easily earned achievements! WD Matt..great idea!
theres already enough chainlisting going on as it is, especially on fb, so i highly doubt anything will be done with this. if the hitlist achievement was raised many lower newbs would get bountied right out of the game and you can bet your azz kano doesnt want that....niether do i for that matter, ive met and helped alot of new people that may not even be playing now if there were hitlist achievements of 5k or more...hell, i probly would have chainlisted half of them myself for achievement skill points
I like the idea. unfortunately Kano has been taking the games further and further away from the battle/ fight aspects . I would love for it to get back to where it once was before they started ruining know....back when the games were thriving. Oh least we have the lottery and them extremely challenging challenges to work harder I dont see any reason why any achievement just ends.....they should alll continue to rise in numbers yet most most just simply end .