What you state there is in fact near the implementation in the kano world of games. The more you get however the less able you are to "see" any further bounties but for a higher category with fatter health. In Kano Games, it is the sole focus of many players to hunt but they do hit "bounty delay" so they cannot hunt all day and keep getting them. Bounty delay varies with your level AFAIK.
Note there are teams of players (Mob/Guild/Armada/Faction) that are bountying to each other with notice and these are very hard to intercept when say team members (up to 25 people) who practice this together, are told exactly when to hunt. Team play is big here in Kano/Apps and partner play as well. Solo ... you have to be lucky to bust up a team play but it's not impossible. That's what makes it a game
Good luck to you!
Last edited: May 14, 2016