Boss Level

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Benjamin C Snarr, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Benjamin C Snarr

    Benjamin C Snarr New Member

    Does anyone know, what higher level Boss's give vs the same Boss at lower level's? Is it just mean more HP?

    It seems like attacking other peoples bosses in my mob that have lower levels is better then starting my own at a higher level (after getting the achievement).
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    It depends on what u think is more important......Drops or Xp. Its never made sense to me that a higher level boss gives worse n worse XP as it increases in would think the more challenging a boss the better the XP and coin. Makes some sense for bosses with better drops to give less XP but even they should increase over time.
  3. Benjamin C Snarr

    Benjamin C Snarr New Member

    so the higher level the boss, the higher the drop rate is on items?
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    No. The drop rate differs from one type boss to another type of boss just as it does from adventure to adventure...but the drop rate remains the same with each respective boss regardless of level. The XP just gets worse.

    The amount of health one has allocated makes a significant difference in the amount of XP received from bosses though. Another thing to consider is that the more powerful u become in terms of attack means that u will do more damage to a boss. The more damage u do to a boss means a lesser amount of attacks u would get in before killing it...which means less opportunity for drops. So basically if you attacked a level 10 yeti today and got a certain number of attacks in before killing it..... the number of attacks u had on another level 10 yet. 3 months from now would be far less if u had increased your attack considerably. The amount XP you received would also be greater if you had increased your health substantially in the same amount of time. Its also important to note that there is a maximum amount of XP u can receive from an attack on a boss despite your your health or attack numbers. The cap depends on your level...just as the max XP cap does for attacking an opponent/rival.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013

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