Not sure this has been suggested before, but what about a tick box that shows up like it does in the social feed but that instead of deleting the post, it would hide a particular crafting option. A global unhide would exist (by weapon or by warrior or by all). Make it happen! There are now 32 worlds in VC to craft from, of which the first x become useless to a player after they progress up the ranks. The hide option would make a way of keeping what is a legit crafting targets, versus ones that would do nothing for you
I like the idea, however the way the blacksmith is set up in the last location in VC, 2 drops to make 1, I think I dont have to visit the blacksmith until Christmas . Another idea would be to have an option in the Settings to set up a decreasing order for the locations, both at Travel and Blacksmith, as now if I am in the Empire page the last few locations are cut down from the list. (uploads are not available to post an image)