[All] Blacksmith Functionality/Streamlining

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Alex Ford, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. Alex Ford

    Alex Ford New Member

    During crafting, I've wished fairly consistently for a few types of functionality:
    1. Display the stats (att/def) of the items used in the recipe (instead of just the resultant item):
      • This way, we can do cost/benefit analysis without jumping back and forth through multiple pages to get the relevant information.
      • Perhaps as a mouse-over? In the same fashion that when you mouse-over the image of the used item, it gives you the name of that item, perhaps it could give the att/def as well.
    2. If a regular item (one purchasable with coins) is used, give us the option to purchase it/them directly from the blacksmith page.
      • Again, to avoid jumping back and forth between multiple pages, save time and clicks
      • Perhaps a third option: "Autofill Items," "Missing Items," and "Purchase missing items" (which purchases up to the level either of your gold, or of the next-lowest-number item.
      • By way of example, the High-Calibre Flintlock in East Tortuga (PC) requires 1 adventure drop item (treasure map) and 1 purchase item (dagger); if you owned 10 maps and no daggers, you would have the option to purchase 10 daggers and fill the workbench.
    For both of these, it will be a noticeable time saver for those of us who craft regularly. It will (I think) also be a server-time saver for Kano, since it will cut down on page-jumping: reduce the number of page-downloads required to evaluate a crafted item from as many as 6-8/item to just one. I think it would speed up the game all around (perhaps only incrementally, but small increments add up to big, visible improvements).
  2. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    This has been thrown around for years with absolutely no changes, but I wish you luck.

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