[LCN] Better use of hitlist CAPTCHA

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Donna Bumpas Graves, May 18, 2013.

  1. Donna Bumpas Graves

    Donna Bumpas Graves New Member

    Right now the CAPTCHA interferes with game play randomly while your trying to refresh the hitlist. I understand why, but to say its "annoying" watching bounties pass you by while you type a number is an understatement. Instead of the current system to challenge if your human; I suggest keeping the captcha, but moving it so you dont miss out while your typing. I think you should only have to verify your human once you have claimed a bounty instead of making it random. I wont mind typing in a captcha once I've got the kill and bounty. If for some reason you cant enter the captcha after a few tries or a set time period, the kill and bounty become null and void. It would be nice if the bounty transferred to the previous mobster in the fight, but I have no idea how you would figure that out. Moving the bounty sounds much harder to implement. I also feel it will still be just as effective against bots. This is the only KANO game I play, so Im not sure if this idea would work the same on other games.
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Even worse is when the captcha comes up when your healing on bounty

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