[FB] Being attacked by a ghost lol

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by hulk77, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. hulk77

    hulk77 Member

    I am under attack from a viking who every time I attack them I am told that they are to weak to fight how ever their bar is green. I can not axe slap them because he/she is currently dead and not accepting Axe Slaps at this time, please try again later. They are on line and I am being attacked yet have only been able to axe slap 2 times yet they have numerous attacks and slaps on me. I can try to attack and get this _____ has just been attacked and is too weak to fight. But yet they keep hitting me. Attacks from: 24 attacks,22 axe slaps in 5 days Attacked first: 5 days ago Last attacked: 5 minutes ago
    Attacks against: 3 axe slaps in 2 days Last attacked: 47 minutes ago this is getting a little old
  2. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    The next time you're wanting to attack that player try refreshing your page first. If they're still showing full health after refreshing and you are still unable to attack them, please send in a report through Support with all the necessary information and we'll take a look for you there.
  3. hulk77

    hulk77 Member

    They are attacking while this is going on. I dont mind being attacked just like a chance to fight back

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