I've been wondering why loadout(armed attack/defense) and allocated skill points(personal attack/defense) are involved in the total's of overall strength?
We all know "loadout and allocation of skill points" have a bigger effect in strength than weapons/warriors used(unless they are really low stats)
But it seems to me the higher level you get with the new items available, allocation of skill points is being diminished. Am I right or wrong?
I'm not looking for the algorithm or anything, but has the allocation of skill points ever increased in the formula compared to the huge updates on weapon/warrior stats?
And before ask, yes I know more skill points you have added will will need a larger % to increase strength, but it does seems not quite right to me when add 1k's in bulk that have saved up to increase strength. One would think be a dramatic change, not minuscule.
Last edited: Oct 28, 2016