Battle drops

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by bully thor, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. bully thor

    bully thor Active Member

    this might sound like im moaning, im sure someone will tell me, you got drops upto level 19,000+ theres only 2 people higher than that and there clan so they are not got to get any drops, well only if they enter arena the only people now that will benifit from drops is lower levels, i reckon you can only get drops if you are in that level bracket, like if a level 10k hits a level 17k he can only get drops from the 10k bracket, cos why the heck should a low level get better warrior/weapons drop than a high level. well thats my moan hope this gets some notice and people agree or not
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Well it is true that you can't get Battle Drops from Vikings who are in your Clan (since you can't fight each other) a solution would be to temporarily de-Clan this person and fight them to get some drops. It's not a perfect solution, but that is one way to get around your current situation. I'm sure some non-Clan Vikings will pass 19,000 before too long, as well.

    I'll definitely pass along what you've brought up to the developers, however, as it is something that we will need to address in the long run.
  3. bully thor

    bully thor Active Member

    thx mi7ch, we could declan but cos of time zone both not on at same time much
  4. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    good point bt, i always thought that we should be able to get drops from our level tier from people that are at least one tier below us, maybe even 2 since there arent many people in the same tiers the higher you go and even if there are youre most likely clan or rivals and arent willing to let each other benefit from leveling

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